How to use Backlink Tracker

How to use Backlink Tracker

The Backlink Tracker gives you a chance to Monitor and analyze all backlinks you have found or built for the website. Be the first to know when the links were lost and bring them back to life.

It allows you to keep and update the information about all the backlinks you have in one place.

Add backlinks you have built manually or you have found in Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Semrush, Majestic, Moz etc. and get a real picture of your inbound links profile in real time.

Use easy reports to evaluate how well your link-building strategy is being implemented and what you can do to increase its efficiency.

It is important to highlight, that the backlink tracker monitors the links you are acknowledged about and does not search the web for new ones. 

How to start tracking your backlinks

First, you need to click on the “Manage Backlinks” button. There are 2 ways to add your backlinks to the tool:

  • Add each of the backlinks manually one by one.
  • Bulk import from the excel file. 

In order to add a backlink manually, you will need to click “Add new backlink” and in the new window input Date when it was created, Acceptor and Donor URLs. 

  • Acceptor - is the URL of your website that the user will be heading to. 
  • Donor - is the URL where the backlink is located. 

To bulk import, you will need to click “Import backlinks”. There you will be able to download the example file in order to format your data in the correct way. After you create an Excel file, you will need to import it to the tool and we will begin to scan your backlinks. 

As soon as the backlinks are imported, we immediately start collecting the data and update it twice a week. 


It is a pretty simple tool with a limited number of columns, which makes it so easy to use. 

There is a total of 6 columns apart from the Acceptor and Donor URLs themselves:

  • Posted- the date the backlinks were added to the website. 
  • Anchor - the text the user will see on the page instead of the initial link. The backlink can also be without the anchor. 
  • On Page - shows whether the backlink is still on the page.
  • Index -  shows whether the page is indexed by the search engine. 
  • Cache - shows whether the page is cached or not.
  • Rel(Relation) - shows the type of relation (Dofollow or Nofollow).

All of them are clickable and after the click, backlinks will be sorted alphabetically A to Z or Z to A accordingly. The last four columns (On Page, Index, Cache, and Rel) can be managed. By clicking on three lines you can choose whether you want all of them to be shown or only the particular yes/no condition.

Also, there is a search bar at the top of the page. It allows you to search for the specific backlink and sort all of them or only some of the links by date. 

If you have additional questions about Backlink Tracker or ideas on how we can improve it, please let us know at We will be glad to help you.

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