How to use Page Segmentation

What page segmentation can be used for?

This option allows you to look for issue patterns on the website and pay more attention during the audit to the most valuable pages.

Imagine you're overseeing a large e-commerce site. With Page Segmentation, you can now create a segment for just your product pages. This means you can focus your analysis and monitoring on this crucial segment, identifying specific issues and improvements directly impacting your sales. This feature is perfect for those who want to:

  1. Focus on specific website sections: Whether it’s product pages, blogs, or landing pages, analyze them separately for detailed insights.
  2. Identify segment-specific issues: Build your SEO and content strategies based on the unique needs of different website areas.
  3. Streamline your workflow: Easily manage and monitor different website segments without getting lost in the vast data of your entire site.

You can create page segments based on:

  • Page URL content;
  • Page Title content;
  • HTTP Status Code value;
  • Meta tag robots value;
  • X-Robots-Tag value.
  • Custom list of URLs.

The most valuable feature of this setup is the ability to create a segment with a custom list of URLs.

Here is why:

  1.  Often sites do not have a URL structure and it is impossible to create a segment based on the entry of a word in the URL
  2. You can organize into segments not only pages that are similar in meaning or design, but also pages that are similar in terms of traffic and conversion efficiency.

For example, you can create a segment of the top 100 pages by traffic, or the top 100 pages by conversions, and during an SEO audit, pay attention to these segments first.

How to use page segmentation

2.1 Setting up segments

Default segments

We have 2 types of segmentations that are set as default. These are pre-set and ready for immediate analysis.

All pages: This segment includes your entire website.

Indexable pages: Focuses on pages that are not marked as ‘noindex’.

Creating custom segments

  1. Navigate to ‘Segments’ in your project settings. It can be found after the ‘Site Monitoring’ step.
  2. Create up to 50 custom segments. For instance, you can create a segment for pages with URLs containing “/products/” to analyze all your product pages.
  3. Apply multiple rules per segment. For example, create a segment for pages with a specific title and a 200 HTTP status code.

2.2 Using segmentation

Accessing segments

You can find your segments in the Site Audit summary, Site Audit issues, and Site Monitoring.

Analyzing data

Data for new segments is available after a recrawl. If a segment is empty initially, you'll see a placeholder with an option to start a crawl.

In the Site Audit summary, you can view error counts for each segment and in Site Monitoring all the logs with issues and content updates.

Remember, certain graphs like ‘Website Score’ are only visible in the ‘All Pages’ segment.

Managing segments

You can edit, delete, or reorder segments via project settings.

Or you can directly edit them in the tool interface. Just hover over segment icons.

With Page Segmentation, you're not just looking at your website as a whole, you're zooming into what matters specifically for your use-case . With it, you can improve your SEO strategy, focus your analysis, and make data-driven decisions for specific areas of your website and transform the way you approach website optimization! 

Please note that creating and editing segments are features available for Standard, Premium, and Enterprise users. If you're on the Free trial or Basic plan, you'll be prompted to upgrade to access these features.

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