How to use Website Migration Checker tool


The Website Migration Checker Tool allows you to input a list of URLs you wish to migrate and the new URLs they should redirect to. The tool then verifies if the redirections are implemented correctly, helping you to avoid any potential SEO issues or broken links.

Uploading URLs for checking

  1. Prepare your CSV file with the following columns:
    • Redirected URL
    • Redirect status code
    • Final URL
  2. Click on the Upload & Check button in the tool.
  3. Upload your CSV file by clicking on the Upload file button in the pop-up.
  4. Click Upload file to start the verification process.

Optionally, you can download an example CSV file by clicking the Download Example button to ensure your file format is correct.

Understanding the results

Once the file is uploaded, the tool will crawl the URLs and compare the expected and actual redirections. The results will be displayed in a table with the following columns:

Redirected URL: The original URL that you are redirecting from.

Expected redirect status code: The HTTP status code you expect to see for the redirection (e.g., 301, 302).

Expected final URL: The URL where you intend the Redirected URL to point to after the redirection.

Detected status code for redirected URL: The actual HTTP status code detected after the tool checks the Redirected URL.

Detected final URL: The actual URL that the Redirected URL points to when accessed.

Detected final URL status code: The HTTP status code returned by the Final URL when accessed.

Status: The overall status of the redirection based on the comparison between expected and detected values.

Possible statuses include:

  • Redirect successful (green): All expected conditions met.
  • Redirected URL responds 2xx (red): URL responds with 2xx status instead of 3xx.
  • Redirected URL responds 4xx/5xx (red): URL responds with 4xx or 5xx status.
  • Wrong redirect type (orange): The redirect status code does not match the expected.
  • Wrong final URL (orange): The final URL does not match the expected.
  • Final URL responds 4xx/5xx (orange): Final URL responds with 4xx or 5xx status.

History of checks

  1. After the first check, the landing page of the tool will display a history of your previous checks.
  2. Each entry will show the date, the number of URLs checked, and a link to view the results.
  3. Click on any entry to view the detailed results of that check.

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