How is Page Score calculated

Page Score is an index that depends on the quantity and types of errors. It helps to understand how ideal is your page from the technical side. 

The formula of calculating is very easy. We just minus a specific number from 100 score. Each error has a specific amount of points. 

AlternateLinkValidation - 45 maximum points

  • 15 - there are duplicates of hreflang tags on the page
  • 15 - http status code of alternate URL isn't valid
  • 15 - hreflang tag isn't valid

BotCheckValidation - 5 maximum points

  • 5 - the amount of scripts and backlinks isn't the same for Google and regular user

CanonicalLinkValidation - 100 maximum points

  • 100 - there is more than one canonical
  • 100 - there are different canonicals in header and tags
  • 3  - there is no canonical

ContentValidation - 35 maximum points

  • 15 - the amount of content without html is less then required minimum
  • 20 - content to code ratio is less then 10%

DescriptionValidation - 8 maximum points

  • 8 - there is more than one description
  • 6 - the length of the description is less than required minimum
  • 6 - the length of the description is more than required maximum

ExternalLinks - 23 maximum points

  • 10 - there is external link with 4xx status code on the page
  • 10 - there is external link with 5xx status code on the page
  • 3 - there is external link with 3xx status code on the page

H1-H6TagsValidation - 12 maximum points

  • 4 - the length of h1 tag is less/more than required minimum/maximum
  • 6 - h1=title
  • 9 - there is no h1 tag 
  • 9 - there is more than one h1 tag

InformationValidation - 100 maximum points

  • 100 - page is with redirect or non-200 http status code

Internal links - 23 maximum points

  • 10 - there is external link with 4xx status code on the page
  • 10 - there is external link with 5xx status code on the page
  • 3 - there is external link with 3xx status code on the page

IsOpenForIndexation - 100 maximum points

  • 100 - page is closed from indexing in meta tags
  • 100 -page is closed from indexing in robots.txt

PageSpeedDesktopValidation - 50 maximum points

PageSpeedMobileValidation - 100 maximum points

SubdomainLinks - 23 maximum points

  • 10 - there is external link with 4xx status code on the page
  • 10 - there is external link with 5xx status code on the page
  • 3 - there is external link with 3xx status code on the page

TitleValidation - 15 maximum points

  • 15 - the length of title tag is less/more than required minimum/maximum
  • 15 - there is more than one title
  • 15 - there is no title

VulnerabilityValidation - 46 maximum points

  • 5 - there are hidden links on the page
  • 16 - there are exist 404 errors
  • 10 - 404 page on the website isn't valid
  • 15 - the length of URL is more than required maximum
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